No matter your area(s) of interest, you will be sure to find ways in which you can contribute to the club. Many members serve on several committees and enjoy the opportunity to put their talents to good use. For a description of each committee, or to find contact information, click the links below. Or to see descriptions of all committees, CLICK HERE.
The Aministration committee has responsibility to oversee the general administrative aspects of the organization.
The pre-membership process of reviewing and shepherding proposed member applications (and proposed member), conducting reference checks and assigning the appropriate classification.
Volunteers park autos, direct traffic, prepare cars for showing, and more at the annual classic car auction at the Arizona Biltmore.
Help coordinate with the club office and club members the maintenance and upkeep of the Phoenix Rotary 100 property, office building and garage.
The Club Service committee has overall responsibility for the successful execution of the club's meetings and for promoting and organizing volunteer service to the club. All members of the club are expected to participate in some form of club service, not just committee members.
The Community Service Committee is in charge of maintaining the Club's Community Service Calendar and various sign-ups including Bell Ringing, Food Bank, Literacy, etc. Members of this committee are encouraged to participate in activities when they can, and to take photos to be shared with the Rotary Office so that they can keep the club and the public informed of our good deeds. Committee members are also encouraged to brainstorm ideas for new community service projects for the club.
Note: All club members are expected to participate in community service at least occasionally.
Note: All club members are expected to participate in community service at least occasionally.
Entertain discussions regarding DEI, and promote inclusiveness for all categories of people in Phoenix Rotary 100.
Originally known as "Downtown Social Club", this committee meets in the evening on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at a hip place near Downtown or Central Phoenix. This group organizes many activities and fund-raisers targeted toward a working professional and sometimes younger group of Phoenix Rotary 100 members.
Plan and implement social events for the club including the quarterly Rotary Happy Hour and Old Fashion Breakfast.
Review and recommend proposed budget to Board of Directors and examine monthly financial reports.
The Fundraising & Giving committee has overall responsibility for coordinating Rotary100's fundraising efforts that support the club, the Rotary Foundation, and the Phoenix Rotary Club Charities.
Provide tech support for the Phoenix Rotary 100 office, provide recommendations for infrastructure including wifi, telephone, copiers, laptops, software, security, etc.
Annual review of all insurance policies for Phoenix Rotary 100.
Interact is a Rotary-sponsored service club for high school students whose focus is on community service and professional development.
Mission of IOC is to enable members of Phoenix Rotary 100 to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the initiation of and/or participation in projects and activities of international scope that advance improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty.
The Membership Experience committee oversees the committees responsible for club membership, club culture and the membership experience.
The Outstanding Phoenix Youth Leader of the Year (formerly known as Outstanding Young Man Young Woman - OYMYW) awards program recognizes and honors the outstanding achievements of high school students, enhances the perception of youth and raises community awareness of the positive contributions of youth. Each year, 16 high school students are selected as council district winners and recognized at an event, along with the teacher who inspired them the most. Each of the district winners will receive a cash award. From the district winners, the two overall winners will be announced and each will receive an additional cash award. Members of this committee will review and rank applications, interview candidates and select district winners to receive scholarship awards for this annual program. This program partners with the City of Phoenix and other local sponsors.
Mentor new members to ensure they have a positive club experience. Welcome new members to the club by explaining the nuts and bolts of being a member of our club, specifically, and Rotary in general.
Deals with matters regarding Phoenix Rotary 100 personnel - salary surveys; benefits; policies for paid time off; and assisting with finding candidates for replacements.
Promotes Phoenix Rotary 100 and its interests by communication of club information on social media and other methods including broadcast, print, and press releases. Help drive new membership by creating streamlined simple paths through our website and social media. Improve tracking and followup of potential new members.
Manage the annual Law School and Youth Exchange scholarships in the name of Past-President John O'Connor, recognizing humor in the law profession and the value of cultural exchange.
Identify and schedule speakers for club luncheon meetings. Provide guidance for speaking opportunities at Wednesday Night Social meetings.
Rotaract introduces Rotary to young professionals aged 18 and over.
Rotary Youth Leadership Award, a three-day leadership camp held in Prescott. Coordinated by District 5495, members join with other clubs to organize and provide training at this annual event in mid-January.
The "Club" Fundraising committee is in charge of identifying, coordinating and/or administering fund raising efforts on behalf of Phoenix Rotary 100 - for expenses incurred by the club (leadership and membership development, etc) and not for the Phoenix Rotary Club Charities. Fundraising Efforts include Rooster Fining, Sponsorships for Club Events (Happy Hours, Fireside Chats, etc), raffles, auctions.
Help plan, manage and host the annual speech competition for high school students.
While respecting privacy, keep club members informed of other club members dealing with health or other difficult situations, possibly needing assistance.
Manage the clubs activities as they relate to the international Rotary Foundation.
In conjunction with District 5495, this committee oversees opportunities for students to spend an academic year in other countries and helps find hosts for students coming from elsewhere in the world.
The Youth Services committee is responsible for coordinating the subcommittees, engaging youth in various Rotary sponsored events and projects and developing strategic ways to maintain relationships with youth until they are ready to become Rotarians (i.e. the Rotary Pipeline).